Comedian Killed While Educating Community About Ebola Prevention


An accident just happen at Grafton highway, by CRS new site around  8:30am today.

A comedian who was engaged in a road-side community education program on Ebola is reported to have been knocked to death by a driver this morning along the new road in Grafton, in the outskirts of Freetown.

The comedian was addressing community residents in Grafton on prevention measures against Ebola when he was hit by a Toyota Serena car with registration number plate AHY 692;  he died on the spot.

Two days ago, an ambulance carrying an Ebola patient, also hit a motor cyclist and his pillon along the same Grafton highway.

The number of accidents involving ambulances are becoming a common phenomenom in the Freetown area.

Latest reports from health officials say Hon. Osho Williams has reportedly tested positive for Ebola and is now being treated at a holding center around Freetown. He is the first member of the political class to test positive for the virus.

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